The winners of the Hidden Star Game 2020

The winner for the month of February 2020

winner february 2020 hidden star

" Thank you! "

The winner for the month of March 2020

winner march 2020 hidden star

" Thank you so much for advising me that I'm the winner of the Hidden Star Game! What great and exciting news! "

The winner for the month of April 2020

winner april 2020 hidden star

" un believable - never thought i could win - yippee !!!!!!!! "

The winner for the month of May 2020

winner mai 2020 hidden star

" Thank you! "

The winner for the month of June 2020

winner juin 2020 hidden star

" Thanks so much! "

The winner for the month of July 2020

winner july 2020 hidden star

The winner for the month of August 2020

winner august 2020 hidden star

The winner for the month of September 2020

winner september 2020 hidden star

The winner for the month of October 2020

winner october 2020 hidden star

The winner for the month of November 2020

winner november 2020 hidden star

" W O W !!! what a great christmas gift !! THANK-YOU -you guys are the best !! "

The winner for the month of December 2020

winner decembre 2020 hidden star

" Thank you so much. "