Today, online gaming plateforms offers a wide array of classic casino games that can be enjoyed from the comfort of your home like slots and jackpot games, but also casino games that can be played live like Poker and Blackjack.

Let’s take a look at some of the historic games that have been adapted to today’s gamers, as well as the new betting options that go beyond simple tokens or cash.


The evolution of classic online casino games

Slots Machine & Jackpot games

One of the great classics of casino games, whether in real life or online, slot machines are games of chance that require players to activate a lever in exchange for a coin, in order to align identical symbols and win prizes. With the arrival of these online slot machines, they are more accessible and avoid the need to travel to a physical casino to play, not to mention the variety of slot games available !


Offering massive jackpots to players, jackpot games also quickly made their appearance online. Since their arrival on the Internet, new features have included progressive jackpots, global tournaments and live gaming options, increasing the excitement and diversity of the games, and creating considerable winning opportunities for participants.


Poker & Blackjack

We obviously can’t discuss the evolution of classic casino games without mentioning table games such as Poker and Blackjack !


No longer needing to present its classic form, but still present in every physical casinos, online Poker has revolutionized the traditional game by allowing players to compete across the globe. It include new features such as massive tournaments, innovative variants, live poker rooms with real dealers, and mobile applications, offering increased accessibility and variety to poker enthusiasts worldwide.


Blackjack is a casino card game where the objective is to get a hand total of 21 or as close as possible without exceeding it, by beating the dealer. Recent online blackjack innovations include live dealer games with enhanced streaming quality, new side bets, mobile-friendly interfaces, and VR/AR experiences, providing players with more engaging and immersive gameplay.


These classic online casino games can be played for free, fictive tokens or cash. However, the growth of cryptocurrencies over the last few years has also led to the creation of online games offering to wager a sum of money in cryptocurrency, such as crypto crash games.


Crypto crash games, a modern-day innovation for online gambling enthusiasts

Crypto crash games are a form of online gambling based on the volatility of cryptocurrencies. In these games, players bet a sum of money in cryptocurrency on a growth curve. This curve increases at a random rate, and players must decide when to cash in their winnings before the curve “crashes” or falls sharply to zero. If players cash in their winnings before the crash, they earn the amount accumulated up to that point. However, if they wait too long and the curve crashes, they lose their stake.


The adaptation of online casino games, as well as the arrival of new ways to bet, has considerably broadened players’ access and experience, offering a variety of exciting games and innovative options. Although crypto-currencies are not tangible, it’s important to know your limits when betting online, just as with other gambling activities and betting options.